At Scrapyard, we believe climbing is for everyone. Since opening in 2019, we’ve been committed to building a welcoming, diverse, and inclusive community—but we recognize that financial barriers can make it difficult for some to fully participate.
The Better Together Membership is our way of breaking down those barriers. Supported by Scrapyard revenues and the Better Together Community Fund, this tiered discount membership allows individuals and families to opt in at a price that fits their needs—no proof of income required.
Because community thrives when we lift each other up, members and non-members alike can contribute to the Better Together Community Fund, helping make Scrapyard more accessible to all. Any excess funds will be used to support free youth programs and outreach in the Holland area.
How You Can Get Involved:
Join with a discounted membership if cost is a barrier.
Support by contributing to the Better Together Community Fund.
Connect us with local organizations that could benefit from climbing opportunities.
We’re stronger together—let’s climb toward a more inclusive community.
This membership is supported by the Scrapyard community and is designed to create access to a climbing membership for folks who would not be able to afford climbing otherwise. It’s one way we’re trying to make the Scrapyard community reflect the overall Holland community better.
We recognize that financial circumstances are shaped by a wide range of personal and systemic factors. If you think you might qualify for the Better Together Membership but are unsure, the list of considerations below might be helpful.
A Better Together Membership might be the right fit for you if:
- You do not own a home.
- You do not have a postgraduate degree.
- You identify as a person with a disability.
- You are a single parent.
- English is not your first language.
- You have relied on credit card debt to cover basic needs.
- You do not have a financially stable family support system.
- You have struggled to afford healthcare for yourself and/or your family.
- Your income is the only financial support for others in addition to yourself.
- You are unemployed or underemployed, not by choice.
- You have little to no expendable income for entertainment, travel, or dining out.
- You qualify for government assistance (e.g. food, unemployment, housing, etc.)
- You are a full-time college student who receives no financial support from family or friends and/or you are eligible for the Pell Grant.
- You have had a substantial change in income or life circumstances and cannot justify or continue your current Scrapyard membership as a result.
This list is not exhaustive and is not meant to be a set of requirements. It is meant to demonstrate the spirit of our Better Together Membership. We trust that individuals will assess their financial situations honestly so this membership option can support as many of those who need it.
If you’ve decided this membership is right for you, continue to enroll by clicking the linked tier of your choice below. This will open the membership offering in our online store and you can finalize your enrollment there. If you are enrolling for yourself and other household members, you will need to return to this page to select an additional membership for each individual at whichever tier you choose before checking out.
**If you are a current Scrapyard member and would like to enroll in this program, contact us so we can adjust your current membership rate as appropriate.
***This is an ongoing program. As your needs change over time, please let us know so we can adjust your membership rate as appropriate.
If none of the tiers above fits your needs, please reach out so we can see what will work for you.
If you’re here it’s because you’re curious, like we are, about the impact a group of individuals can have on a local community. It’s why we started Scrapyard. The Better Together Community Fund is about putting that curiosity into action and providing a way to make climbing more accessible for all of those around us. Whether you’re a current Scrapyard member looking to share the community you love or a non-member who believes in what we are doing, we value your partnership in making the Better Together idea a reality. If you’re ready to make a contribution, you can choose from several options below and you’ll be redirected to our online store.
Monthly Contributions
Members who choose to contribute a monthly amount get one additional free guest pass per month regardless of contribution amount.
One-Time Contributions
**If you have any questions about the Better Together Community Fund or would like to make a contribution different from the options below, please reach out and we’ll get in touch as soon as we can. Thank you for your help in creating a community that is better together.